Listening by Jean Klein

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Listening by Jean Klein

Listening. Openness. Presence. Life. The transmission of light is not intentional. It occurs spontaneously when openness meets openness. It is the absence of self that is our total presence. Listening is our true nature. Listening is uncluttered, free of all memory. It is a non-state. Listening is a continuum. Every perceived object brings you back to your true homeland, to listening. When listening is maintained, it becomes lucidity, awakening.
Listening is a constant meditation, with no one to meditate and no object to meditate on. Listening is the support of all perceptions. It is the light that gives reality to all that is perceived. In listening you really experience your complete absence. It is only in this complete absence that you can feel your presence. You can’t help it, you are listening. Be an observer free of prejudices, innocent, without any prior intention. What you have understood is absorbed in the being of understanding. Being understanding is silence. What you are can never show itself; it is a total openness that can never be reduced to a conclusion or an assertion. It is by understanding the nature of the person that you can free yourself from the person. By living in abandonment, you are completely free. The moment you remain in your fullness, in your openness, there is no longer division, there is totality. Seeing how you function in daily life is the only way. In life, there is never repetition, every moment is new.
Consciousness is the only reality. By welcoming what surrounds you, you allow it to unfold. Being understanding is silent presence. Teaching occurs when there is no master. When you knowingly find yourself in your own absence, you stimulate this absence in others. You can only be the truth, you can never know the truth… You can never see the light because you are that light. You can never provoke understanding, you can only live with your question.
When you live without intention, there is life… to be free of all anticipation, of all intention, is to live free…

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